Monday, February 25

Thus starts the week of confusion

Normally, this is where I would make such dire remarks as "Hell Week" due to EOM. Unfortunately, we are not so busy to claim that title for the week. Instead I think I will label it as "Confusion Week".

Supposedly, about 2-3 weeks ago I was told we are moving our offices by the end of the month. As of today, nothing more has been said about it. Nothing been packed, nothing prepared for moving, and definitely no info from the bosses as to what is going on. You would think, since the last time we moved, they spent a week or so having many things in the office moved over prior to setting up - even if we had to move our own items in our own vehicles. Now I have no clue as to what is going on - if we are actually moving, or did they arrange to extend our time here for a time more. Each morning I expect to come in and the office is moved and I have no clue to what new address.

Other than that, this week holds a few good things. My youngest son turns 2 tomorrow. I have no idea what the Wife has planned. I hope nothing too extravagant. After all, he is only 2 - not turning 18 or something.

Other than that, I have nothing else for you today. A little over three hours to go for the day and I am trying to find busy work for me. Maybe tomorrow will be better.


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