Thursday, January 1

Resolutions - BTW that means I lie

For the first post of the 2009 year, I find myself in a place that is not my home. Fortunately, anyone that could give a hit is asleep, and some of the very loudly sawing logs, but for the most part asleep. I think I found 2 younger children still awake playing some online game ( I think World of Warcraft, but I could be mistaken). At least I had my kids ... oh, let's not be petty starting out the new year.

Yes, we had a wonderful evening at my Sis's. The older children, plus myself, stayed the night. I think it had something to do with the Jack Daniels, but who am I to place the blame anywhere?

So, it is the start of a New Year, shall we talk about resolutions. Oh yes please. I hear you screaming it out. Let his be the same as mine, let us fail them all together, and share the excuses. That is me. Excuse central. I am too literal, too well-read, too much the better spoken, that my excuses fall like water on a duck's back when I throw them out. The family goes, uh-huh. OK. Not even sure of what I am throwing out. Thank goodness for library cards to build the vocabulary to do that. Now if I could impress other people....heh!

Seriously, now though. Resolutions for the new year. What is a resolution? I took the time (hell, I have a whole year's worth to do it now) and looked it up. The book available to me was the Second College edition of the American Heritage Dictionary, published in 1985. The word "resolution" consisted of 9 separate explanations, the 9th having actually an a) and a b). I went so far as to go to, and here is there definition:

res⋅o⋅lution  /ˌrɛzəˈluʃən/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [rez-uh-loo-shuhn] Show IPA Pronunciation
1. a formal expression of opinion or intention made, usually after voting, by a formal organization, a legislature, a club, or other group.
2. a resolve or determination: to make a firm resolution to do something.
3. the act of resolving or determining upon an action or course of action, method, procedure, etc.
4. the mental state or quality of being resolved or resolute; firmness of purpose.
5. the act or process of resolving or separating into constituent or elementary parts.
6. the resulting state.
7. Optics. the act, process, or capability of distinguishing between two separate but adjacent objects or sources of light or between two nearly equal wavelengths.
8. a solution, accommodation, or settling of a problem, controversy, etc.
9. Music.
a. the progression of a voice part or of the harmony as a whole from a dissonance to a consonance.
b. the tone or chord to which a dissonance is resolved.
10. reduction to a simpler form; conversion.
11. Medicine/Medical. the reduction or disappearance of a swelling or inflammation without suppuration.
12. the degree of sharpness of a computer-generated image as measured by the number of dots per linear inch in a hard-copy printout or the number of pixels across and down on a display screen.

As you can see, between 1985 and the spread of the internet, there have even been more definition to the definition. When it comes to speaking about a New Years resolution, I think the item as #2 suffices, from both standards.

The act of resolving to do something.

I am going to lose weight. I am going to go after that promotion I should have had. I am going to tear up this town in marketing my product. I am going to be that better person. I am... I am... I am.

New year. New starts in life. That's someone's good marketing. It's been around as long as I can remember, and I am younger than some....only been here since 1971. But this time of year I always hear the same rigamorale - is that a word? I am too lazy to look it up again. Actually, it was only three pages away, and I had to add the 'e' at the end to make it spelled properly. So, we have no idea who started the trend about 'making new fresh starts in a new year, but I think we all agree, it sure sounds like a good time to do them, eh?

Unless your company's fiscal year ends/starts like September or something. Then it sounds like too late to do much good. That is a whole 'nother bit of hot shit I wanna stir up later this month - be prepared.

So, in the meantime, you wanna set goals for self-improvement, for bettering yourself financially, for making the world a better place.... I am not going to stop you. I encourage you. I stand behind you in this literary sense, and commend you, yea, support you, in these endeavors. For as I see it, nothing is killing this world more, than natural HATE, and IGNORANCE, and lack of anyone wanting to make a difference.

You are still with me? And how do WE make that difference? Let me tell you ..... I have no clue. But, I bet if each morning, as you go to your car, or in the door to work, and you tell some one "hello" that you normally just glare at; or say, shovel off half the walk of the ones next door; or some other act of general kindness - even outside the damn Christmas holiday.... hell, everyone is nice thinking Santa is coming to town..... but outside the conventional time that holidays set... who the hell knows what can happen.

Me? Yeah, I got my resolutions. I am selfish. It is hard to get over that, just because I am so great. Hey, had to throw a joke in there somewhere.... seriously, myself.... My goals - something I am resolving myself to do - strengthening my family ties; controlling outworldly desires (basically, quit drinking so much); and lastly, this will fall into place with some of the other things, but take better care of the body, so I can last to do more of the family stuff.

Yeah. Lotta tough stuff on my list. At least for me. Can I resolve to do it? I dunno. But a fresh year, maybe I can mark it as a fresh start. I don't have a fiscal time... it is now or never.

How much time you have?

Love y'all! Happy New Year. Look forward to seeing ya again!


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