Tuesday, May 3

I Don't Know What to Think

I spend way too much time on Facebook. Whether it is playing games, or just reading/commenting on the status comments of friends, just way too much time. As of yesterday morning, after being on less than 5 minutes, I was tired of the whole Osama Bin Laden thing. Now, after a full day of it, I am really sick of it, and don't know what to think anymore. Suggest a media outlet that won't skew the overall picture and place blame on whomever politically they don't like.... let them try to brainwash my deadened brain cells.

I mean, c'mon! Yay! OBL is dead! Wait, is he? I am not a newshound, following every story over the past 10+ years, so many details escape me. Okay, supposedly we killed him, gave him a burial at sea, and we know it is him from the DNA match...? What DNA match? When we're we ever close enough (supposedly) to get a DNA  sample? That one eludes me. I commented about this, and someone said to me, something along the lines of: we had a DNA sample from his sister, that this verified it was him. HUH?!? So, it is from a family member... ok. I can see how we can compare it to be at least a family member that was killed. But to say 100% it was him? No fucking way.

Then you have those out there screaming about how it was a victory for the Democrats - or Obama (some were pretty specific as to who gets the credit). Others spout back it was a soldier who did it, so it is an American victory, not Obama's. Yet others that then say it's a Chain of Command thing, that's why Obama gets credit. Blah, blah, blah.

This is why I hate politics so much, because it seems 90% of the time, someone is going to find some fact to support their view of it, from some source, whether the source is skewed or not. My "friends" are doing that. Anything I say, they are 'slamming' me with so-called facts that make their side (obviously opposite of mine - or of at least the way I stated something) the more 'correct' one.

Sigh. I have admitted publicly, I am a registered Republican. I am more conservative in my views. I support big business. Hell, at this day, I support even Small business - more so if they would hire me! I don't like Obama. I don't care for the Democratic Party - or their views. I think they are a bunch of socialists, or at least share their idealism, though they want to live in my America, and reap our rewards. I think they love to just point fingers and lay blame.

Don't like it? Quit reading here. Not the first time you fuckers get mad at me for my opinion.



Spockgirl said...

Dude... mayhaps you should stop calling your readers f***ers??? Although... it did make me laugh!

Ralphd00d said...

Yeah, that would probably be a good place to start... The RM would just prefer it I not cuss altogether, and I agree, I should do that, too. Maybe starting tomorrow I can try again, I just get pretty ticked off about stuff sometimes, and prefer the swear words rolling off the cuff.