Saturday, June 7

ComiCon Here I Come!

Saturday has finally arrived, and now I am waiting. Phoenix Comicon is on the agenda for today, and already I am anxious. Woke up way too early (6am) to get some things done before leaving. Ran The Wife's van up through emissions (passed, yea!) then back home, paid the registration for two years. Woke up the two older kids, and dropped them off at the Daughter's fiance's house, as the three of them are preparing their costumes. I opted to not dress up for comicon. It is my virgin trip, and I just didn't want to deal with it. Besides, I would probably sweat any make-up off, and ruin the outfit with sweating. It's supposed to be 105 today.

Now I am back home waiting the call saying the three of them are on the way to pick me up. From here we are catching the light rail tram to take downtown (my first time riding it), as it will save on parking fees, and extra walking. I know the kids are wanting to sit in on a panel discussion late this afternoon, so we plan on being there pretty much most of the day. I commented that tonight they are having a Drinks with Authors event, but because the son going with us is not of age, we would have to miss that. The Daughter offered to leave me so I could go, then they could come back later and pick me up. Hmmmm.... bears some thought. I told her to lets just wait and see how I feel later today. I may be too tired.

Otherwise, the son got his driver's permit yesterday. Only took about an hour and a half at the MVD. He is excited.

Okay, need to run.


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