Monday, September 10

Employee dies from methane induced explosion

I tell you what, I am sure glad I don't have no candles in my office. Sure could use some air freshener spray though. All that football celebrating yesterday, and the brats, and the steak, I think it all created a monster in my gut. And that monster has been speaking loudly and to the senses more today that I would have ever thought possible. Whew!

But aside from that, that was how my day went. Was busy throughout, and now am wasting the last 10 minutes of the day sharing personal selections from the soundtrack of today. Well, you can't hear them (or smell them) but trust me, they are playing.

SO, Washington won yesterday YEA! But Dallas won BOO! that was the extent of my cheering yesterday. I was drinking and eating more than that.

Nothing more exciting to wrote about on a Monday. Maybe something better will happen before tomorrow. Think I am headed to the pub for some Cardinals football.


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