Tuesday, September 11

Not to confuse the issue here ...

So, by the time y'all have worked your way down your reading list to the blogs you hate most - but can't live without, here I am. And, oh, what a doozy we have today.

Are you sick and tired of reading/hearing/watching about 9/11? I am, and I didn't hardly start my blog list today. Radio reports, music radio replaying retaliation songs, sound bytes instead of commercials. I don't mean to sound so selfish and uncaring, but MY GOD PEOPLE!!! Thank some higher power that this is only one day, but I am sure it will be rolling over, as it started before today as well.

Truly I don't mean to sound so callous. My heart goes out to those that lost loved ones. It goes out for those soldiers that have left their families to fight this war started that day. I hope for great retaliation when and where we can get it. They deserve it.

Maybe my head isn't on straight, or Reverend Mother dropped me too many times on the head, but I am so sick hearing about the 9/11 attacks. Hell, when it happened, I thought it was some new movie commercial. Oh well, I suppose I will rot in some dimension of Hell for the way I feel.

But that's just the way it is.


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