Friday, March 7

Wheels are turning - Mind is burning

First off I want to say thank you for the nice comments about how wonderful and cute my kids are. Thank goodness they look mostly like their mother!! Speaking of the Wife, I did find a picture that she would not be too embarrassed about me posting. This is one of us together from Christmas of 2006. As you can tell, I been trying to lose weight for awhile. And yes, that is a Jack Daniels in my hand. I am glad I decided to let my hair grow back in this year.

Tomorrow would be my Dad's 60th birthday if he were still walking amongst the living. I sure miss him. For those of you that don't know, and might actually care, Dad passed away in 1985 due to a fight with a brain tumor. I was 12 when he passed away. His brain tumor was not natural. In 1968-1969 Dad had served in Vietnam in areas where Agent Orange was used. Years after service, it finally affected, or rather grew to where it was affecting him almost 30 years later by forming malignant tumor in the left frontal lobe of his brain. He was operated on in early 1984 where they removed a portion of the brain about the size of a adult fist/medium sized grapefruit. Dad fought for a year using Chemo, radiation, and medicines. This was back when the big thing about cancer was coming around, and they knew little compared to what they know now.

Dad has been resting these past 20+ years in Frankfort's Greenlawn Cemetery, ending a cycle that started in that same town in 1948. I am proud to carry my Dad's name on, and able to pass it to my oldest son, in honor of my father.

Being how it so close to Dad's bday time, I slapped together a little piece of a memory I recall over at my story site. Not great stuff, but a little something I remember of him. Click here to view it.

In the meantime, I've got a poker party to attend tomorrow afternoon over in Chandler (S of Phx) at a friend's place. Sunday brings on softball and Nascar. Tonight I think I will do a gym session and head home. I have a couple DVDs to watch with the family. "Meet the Robinsons" and the newest "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles". Plus disc 5 of "Stargate Atlantis" season 3, and disc 1 of "Numbers" season 3.

Y'all have a good weekend, and I'll be back with more later on!


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