Monday, March 29


Lordy, Lordy, I am SAVED!

Well, that is what one would be thinking when they hear from me that the one known as the "Spawn of Satan" and Crack Kitty is no longer at our residence. Regardless what many of you think, I actually had nothing to do with it: no target practice (dang!), no turtle bait (double dang!) and no sealed plastic bag off the bridge (dry landing here!).

Nope. Best recollection we can put together is sometime last night between 6:30'ish and 9:30'ish, he done snuck out prolly when the front door was being used, or something. We noticed about 5 this evening that we had not seen him all day... asked the kids and got a negative. Then everyone started searching for him. Well, everyone but me. I sort of sat here and com-man-deered the whole operation. Saying things like, "Well, just leave the front door open and if I hear him I will open the screen door." or "Well, we know he ain't gonna starve with that damn fat belly he had growing on him."

For some reason, The Wife asked me to hush since it wasn't helping any.

She went on to drive sorta thru the neighborhood on the way to her mom's, and the daughter sorta went up and down the street looking around for him. The boys, they looked under the beds, and in closets (though I kept telling them we would have heard him, or he would have come out from under the bed for food by now.

Frankly, I am kind of happy about it. I never really wanted another pet to get attached to after Spunky died last year. And now Rusty is gone, I don't have to worry about food/water when we go on vacation. But, the dumb kids done got attached and they are a bit sad about not knowing where he is, or if he is alive, or whatever. All I can do is sigh and think to myself, 'well, they gotta find out about this sort of stuff somehow.'

Tuesday is my Wife's and mine special day. I gotta spend some time tomorrow trying to figure out something nice to do that evening.

And yes, I didn't complain when the Wife put some food and water on the back porch "just in case" - though I think she is going to attract every damn stray int he neighborhood doing that shit. Oh well.


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