Tuesday, November 23

Turning of the Seasons

Last night, the RM and PT came by to drop off a pizza. They had gone to Pizza Hut, and without realizing it, their order was messed up. I guess the waitress caught it, and brought them the correct order, and they got to keep the extra pizza for free. It sure was good! But the main I am pointing this out, is that when they came by, I met them outside... in just shorts. It was damn chilly out! PT mentioned it only hit in the 60's during the day (was a bit cloudy was all I noticed) and they were expecting 40's that night, possibly 30's in the outlying areas.

I had been seeing different friends here int he valley mention about the cooler weather, just in time for Thanksgiving, but never thought about winter actually arriving. As I sit here this morning in shorts and sweatshirt hoodie, it's here. Y'all get dressed treatment today!

The Daughter arrived home last night and the boys were happy to see her. Sometimes I am amazed that they miss their sister so much, then I think, heck, the oldest boy is only 12. When he's 15 or so, we'll see a change I am sure. She has her appointment this morning then return to Tucson until Wednesday evening. Then she will be up here for the remainder of the weekend.

Sis gave me my list of things I need to get out and pick up for Thanksgiving dinner. A little more than I usually have to bring, but that's all right. Feel like I am contributing more this way. Starting to really look forward to the turkey!

Alright, I gotta go make sure the Daughter is getting up. See y'all later! Wonder if the RM is gonna call me today for shopping. It's chilly enough I may not want to go....


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