Tuesday, December 20

Just Call Me a Wuss

I broke down yesterday. In a sense, sort of literally. By mid-afternoon, my ankle was hurting bad enough I let the Wife convince me to go to Urgent Care. If nothing else, to verify it was a sprain. So I made it through the rest of the afternoon, and then we proceeded to spend the evening at Urgent Care. Yeah. It was broke. Seems the fibula (smaller of the two lower leg bones) was fractured clear through, down near the ankle. Good part is that it had not displaced (become unconnected, or split apart) at the fracture point. A basic splint wrapped around it all, a 'script for vicodine, and a slap on the ass sent me on home after 9pm last night.

The MIL had a set of crutches we borrowed. The Wife went up and had my script filled last night. This morning, the Daughter is back in town, and was nice enough to drive me up to meet my buddy for breakfast. He had just gotten out of the hospital yesterday, and is having some health issues. It was good to see him and share some time together. Then the Daughter drove me back home. I made a comment at one time to the Wife about not being able to get to the gym now, and do my treadmill workouts. But after moving around on the crutches, I thin I will get more of a workout with them than I was doing at the gym! My arms and chest are already a bit sore...

Only five days until Christmas, and we can put all this holiday shit behind us. I talked the Daughter into going out and getting the Wife one more present, if we can figure one out. At least the stores have them motorized carts if I decide to go. I may just give her the money and say bring back my change.

Welp, not much to think about right now. Going to be off my feet for a couple days as the Ortho Doc isn't scheduled until Thurs. Then I find out how long I may be wearing the cast/boot/etc they decide to put on my ankle. Yee haw.


1 comment:

Ralphd00d said...

LOL Joe! I didn't look that far into the positive about that, but it makes sense!