Monday, September 16

I Have Been Called Out ...

 Good ol' RM called me out this morning. 

As my usual morning routine (when not on a project), one of the thing sI do is read her blog. Today she mentioned I had not written in mine since last Tuesday, and she was wondering how I was. Most likely, because I was in recovery mode. Well, Mother dear, I am fine. This past week has brought all my numbers into a good range, and I am drinking less (more on that later). I just have been a bit busy to actually have content to write here.

So, around the time of the birthday shenanigans, I discovered that the VFW Post has tea as an option on their 'gun dispenser' at the canteen. I have gone there for over three years and never knew this! Well, now that I do, when there, I pass on the beer and drink tea instead. It is unsweetened, which I do not mind, but it sure has helped mu glucose numbers this past week, and even the pocketbook! I still have a  beer every now and then, as most places do not have tea as a drink option, unless it is a 'twisted tea' or some other tea with vodka from a can stuff.

I made a decision this past week as well. I decided to get more active in the goings-on at the Post. I mentioned I had already joined the VFW Riders Group. Tuesday they have a first meeting for a New Years Eve Committee to plan a party for NYE. I've volunteered to help re-do the lining int he kitchen drawers, help sort out the miscellaneous utensils scattered throughout, and assist with the cabinets as well, though I don't do ladders. I have been volunteered for Santa for the kid's Christmas (third in line, though admittedly I am the best Santa) but yet have no info if there is even going to be one. C'mon people! It's September and you are not planning this yet?!? So, yeah. Add in the miscellaneous other committee meetings that happen, that I can attend to hear what is going on, offer suggestions, but not vote, it fills up the calendar pretty quick. Good thing my friend showed me how to use Google Calendar, because it is getting well used now.

With all this going on, I still miss work. Another email sent off this morning to the Company. It may be time to seriously start looking for something else, hopefully close to home, and not requiring a dress-code (like suits, etc). I may even take smaller pay just to be able to wear shorts and not interact with the public. I don't know. Will have to look and see what is out around the area....

And with that, I am out of here.


1 comment:

Rev Mom said...

so glad you are getting involved, getting your numbers where they should be, and know that I miss reading what's going on. :-) Love you, son.