Monday, September 2

Labor Day Laziness

 Saturday was a pretty busy day. Friday night, while at the Post, I had offered to come in early Saturday morning, to help clean up from the party that had rented out the hall on Friday night. It was a mess. So I was there at 8am, dragging my feet since I hadn't made it home until near midnight the night before. But I swept, another two guys mopped (there were gummies smashed into the tile all over - had to do two runs of mopping). Then we set out tables and chairs for the next event due that morning. We were talking about going to breakfast, then back after the meeting, to re-arrange the tables/chairs for the evening rental, but it never happened. We ended up deciding to wait until after that meeting and just get it all done. By then it was afternoon, and I had to get headed out. Ran home, changed into my KSU jersey, and headed up to the pub we were meeting at to watch the game. I lasted until half-time, then decided I needed to head back to the Post, as one of my friends was celebrating his birthday that evening. He's an older vet, and doesn't have many that like him. For some reason, we get along great. Sunday was spent just lounging around the house. I didn't go anywhere. I took a nap. Cleared the bowels several times (what was up with that?).

Today has no special plans. Sister invited us to their place for a barbecue and swimming, but the Wife has to work today. I asked the Youngest if he wanted to go, but since there weren't going to be many there, he said not really, so I declined it all. I do have a couple book reviews I need to get done, and I should do that today - but don't really feel like it at this exact moment.

Sent the weekly email to the Company, though they won't see it (or do anything about it) until tomorrow at the earliest.

Welp, it's time to check my glucose and BP.


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