Saturday, April 10

Countdown to the Crash

It's closing time at the bars here in Phoenix. I ain't at one. Nope. Been a good boy the past couple nights being at home with my boys since the Wife and daughter are out of town.

Only, I am getting deprived. Now that would sound bad if I was referring to the liquid refreshment of the alcoholic variety. I would sound like a lush, if that were true. And it ain't true. No, I am a bit sleep deprived.

Seems over the past 19 years I have gotten myself acclimated to the presence of the Wife in my bed in my sleep. And with that lacking, the sleep is not wanting to just "slap me over the head" as usual. I mean, I am one of those guys that can fall asleep just about anywhere, anytime, unless I know my Wife ain't gonna be where I know she should be.... or something like that. Hard to explain the weird things.

So the boys and I were in beds by a decent hour again tonight, but I tossed and turned, finally getting up. I watched "In the Electric Mist" with Tommy Lee Jones and John Goodman. Wasn't great. Wasn't terrible.

Now, I guess back to trying to get some sleep, and hoping it comes. Glad the Wife comes home tomorrow.


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