Saturday, January 14

Some Sleeping In

I got to bed late last night. Well, late for me. I got involved in reading a book on my Kindle (I should get paid from Amazon for as much mentioning of the Kindle I do) and stayed up until after midnight. Yes, the book (for me) was that interesting. In case you were wondering, it was book 1 of the Soldier Sons trilogy by Rbin Hobbs. Yeah, Fantasy Fiction, but that is what I like. Either way, I planned to sleep in a bit. The Wife had set the alarm for 8am, but is notorious for hitting the snooze at least 2-3 times. Nope. At 7:15am I am awake and unable to get back to sleep. So I arose from bed, and started my day. I will admit that it was nice to have a bit of a quiet house, and enjoy that cup of coffee with no one making loud noises (read, the kids).

I checked with the Wife once she actually roused from her slumber. I would say beauty sleep, but if she ever read that here, which I doubt will ever happen, she would not be happy. We have no set plans for this weekend, so it is going to be the basic 'clean up around the house' etc time. Though, I conveniently remembered I was invited over to some bocce ball at a friend's house this afternoon. I mentioned it, and she said she had no problem if I went. Ahhh, finally! A chance to have a beer!

So, aside from that, this weekend is going to just be a normal one. Maybe play some WoW, maybe not.

Have you got any plans?


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