Friday, March 8

Happy Birthday Dad

 Today would have been my Dad's 76th birthday. Usually today will be filled with me remembering good and bad times with Dad, and that gets me depressed. Then I decide to go drink while depressed, and next thing you know I am at home, drunk and bawling my eyes out in grief. Every. Single. Time.

But today I am going to try to not go out and get drunk. I'm not saying there won't be tears, but I am trying to not go anyplace today - not even for soda (oh, that will be a hard one).

I met Ryan Roulette last night. He is the driver of the VFW car in the ARCA racing circuit. He made an appearance (a planned one) at our VFW post last night. There were quite a few people up there to meet him, so I figured if I just 'saw him in person' I would fine, even if I didn't shake his hand. So I was sitting at the bar, and he ends up sitting next to me and we chatted for about 15 minutes. He seems pretty nice, and I wish him luck in the race this weekend out at PIR. Even shook hands, plus got his autograph (which I am giving to my brother).

That reminds me of another race driver I met, that some of you may have heard of: A.J. Foyt. In my memories of Dad, there was one time we went out to this farmstead out in the middle of nowhere there in Indiana, and it turned out to the the Foyt's home. I even got to sit in one of his older race cars that he still had out in the barn, covered by a tarp. I think that is where my love of racing started, and I was all about formula ones and the Indy 500 for years. I think it was 1978 when I first went to an Indy, with Dad and two of my uncles. Inside track grass. Remember it was a walk from where we parked to get all the way to the inside track grass.

Welp, I think I am gonna get done with this today.


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