Friday, August 9

Three-Quarters of a Century

 I think back to my grandparents, on Dad's side, and if they had not passed these recent years, they were -near 75 years of being married. I think they made about   years before Grandma passed away. But truly, the title today is more about RM, as she turns 75 years today. As my (cheap) gift for her birthday, I was able to take her out the the Black Bear Diner (good eatin's) for breakfast, and I truly ate too much. OR I feel that way. We spent a good hour and a half just chit-chattin' about whatever. She said some possible plans of how she is spending her day, and I hope she has an enjoyable time.

I think I will head up to the Post for a bit this afternoon. Tomorrow, RM had shared that someone we had known several years ago (not seen recently) had passed away, and a celebration of Life was scheduled for the afternoon. I mentioned it to the Wife, but not sure if she is wanting to go. I don't feel like I would like to attend. It had been years and I particularly was not close the this person. Will see what the Wife wants to do, I guess. If I don't go, probably end up at the Post for my regular Saturday thing.

After today, I guess the next birthday coming up in my family (not counting nieces, etc) is my own birthday. RM had asked what I would want for my birthday, and I told her nothing. I could not think of one thing that I particularly needed/wanted off the top of my head. On the drive home from breakfast though, I realized what would be nice.... If all of my kids would get together and take me out for supper. Yeah, all four of them, spouses, girlfriends, any kids (the one granddaughter), the Wife and I. This happened a few years ago, but hasn't really happened (with everyone) but has been close, a couple times.

Welp, I suppose I have wasted enough time sitting here trying to think what else to share.


1 comment:

Rev Mom said...

and I did enjoy the majority of my day. :-) Thank you again for breakfast - but even more spending 1:1 time with me. Love you more.