Monday, August 19

My Exciting Life ....

 There has just been so much going on lately, that I don't have time to write in here anymore. Now, if you know me, that is true sarcasm. I haven't done much of anything since last Wednesday.

A couple weeks ago (around about) I had gone to see the NP. We had adjusted the new med I was taking for diabetes from a 3mg to a 7mg. When it was first prescribed three months prior to that, it took nearly a month to get it approved through the insurance and actually get the meds. It's been two weeks now, and I still don't have the higher dosage yet. Since it was turned into the pharmacy, Walgreens has been telling me there is an 'insurance issue' with it. Well, Thursday, the NP's office called to tell me that it had been "taken care of" and should go through now. I also got a call from the insurance company, telling me it had been approved at the 7mg dosage for one year, then would need to be re-approved. Friday I get the text from Walgreens that I had 3 'scripts ready for pick-up. An hour later, text from Walgreens says 2 for pick-up, insurance issue with the one.

Sigh. Saturday I stopped in at Walgreens, picked up the 2 that were ready, and was told from them that they did get the 7mg dosage in, but insurance won't cover, as the pharmacy doesn't have the authorization for the 7mg that is supposed to go from the insurance to the Dr to the pharmacy. I explained it was all taken care of last Thursday. All to no avail. The Wife says give it a couple days, maybe just getting the info from ins-dr-pharm is retardedly slow and it will be resolved on Monday. So here I sit awaiting a text saying it is ready for pick-up. If I don't get it by noon, I'll be sending off a note to the Dr's office, explaining that the pharmacy needs that auth still and would they call there and give it versus email or whatever else. If I had not filled the 3mg dosage right before my last appointment, I don't know what I would do, as I have been taking two of them daily for now. Worst case is going back tot he Metformin, which I really hate all the side effects it gave me - even with extended release.

Saturday morning started off good. Took the Wife and Youngest up to Ronnie's to have breakfast. I Could barely eat half of mine (I know, unbelievable right?) and the only one that cleaned their plate was the Youngest. Afterwards went home and 'piddled around the house' not doing much of anything until decided to go pick up the meds.

Saturday evening I got to Wife to agree to going up to the VFW for the monthly steak dinner. For $20 you get a nice sized ribeye, huge baked potato, green beans, roll, salad and a dessert. It might be the last time for awhile that we do the steak dinner. We ordered our steaks medium, and when picking them up, was told med-rare, and I corrected that they should be medium. The gal said sorry, that was what she meant. Nope, we got to eating and they were not even med-rare, but RARE. I mean, mine moo'ed when I cut it. The baked potatoes were not 'baked' all the way and were half uncooked. Salad was skimpy - I had mine gone in three bites. The whole meal was just crappy compared to the last time we had it a few months ago. I know the volunteer crew working the kitchen that night was 'new' and not the usual crew, but still.... We stayed for the Queen of Hearts draw (rolls again) and left. Wife admitted she was overstimulated with all the loudness (karaoke) and the crowd that the draw brings in on a Saturday. That and add in my Brother and Wife showed up, sitting at the table next to us - ugh. I really dislike her.

Sunday was kind of boring as well. Middle Son stopped by (to do laundry) so got to visit with him a little. The Wife took Youngest out for more drive-time and lunch, so I headed up to the pub. While out driving they decided to go to the discount grocery, and I got a text asking if I wanted ginger ale. I'm more of a cola guy, but said sure, just for carbonation and it is probably better than cola for me. At that time, I noticed my bank card was not in my phone wallet. Uh oh. I last used it Saturday night at the VFW, and remember putting it in my shirt pocket. Must still be there. I texted the Wife, asked when they were done shopping, could she check the dirty clothes for the card, and if found, bring it up to me as I had no cash on me. Once she got home, she could not find the card in the laundry basket. So she brought me up some cash so I could pay my tab, then I went home. <shaking head>. The Wife had some plastic bags of (to me junk) small things for Christmas presents sitting next to the laundry basket. The first one I looked into, there was my card. She only looked int he basket. Sigh.

At least the card was found, and I didn't have to deal with a replacement, and all the re-upping info on auto-pays. It was still early so I went back out to another pub, had a couple more beers, read a few more chapters, then headed back to Whataburger to pick up supper (I had told the Wife I would do that).

Now it is almost 10am on a Monday. Email sent to the Company that I am available for any project. No text from the pharmacy yet, so may go ahead and note to the Dr office. But first, I think I need to go read a couple more chapters in the Reading Room, if ya know what I mean ....


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