Sunday, August 25

What New With You?

 Sometimes, it is the little things that just wear a person out mentally. This past week, it has been all about getting my new prescription filled at the pharmacy. I mentioned in the last post (from last Monday) the issues, and yes, they were finally resolved this past week. Tuesday I had went in for the blood draw for my lab work, and while at the Dr's office, asked about the authorization from the insurance for the prescription. They gave me the info they received (an email) which I took a copy with me. Then off to the pharmacy, where I spoke to the pharmacist, gave him the email, explained what was going on. He said he would call the insurance. An hour or so later, he calls me, the insurance company now is saying they need me to call them, to 'finalize authorization' - note, Thursday the week prior they had said it was all taken care of. So I got the number he was given. I was tired, and took a nap. After waking, I called the insurance company, was told just two hours prior to my call (and after they spoke to the pharmacy) everything had been taken care of (again). Later that afternoon, I got the text the 'script was ready for pick up. So I have been on the new med for a couple days, and haven't seen much improvement in my glucose levels. Might be it takes a bit longer.

After that fiasco, I was pretty much done dealing with anything for the week. I know, I'm a wimp.

As of this morning, I am now officially a member of the VFW Post 1433 Sandy Coor Riders Org. Late last night I had seen a post on the VFW post site about an open meeting this morning to start a chapter at my Post, so I got up early and went. No, I don't have a motorcycle, and I don't ride at all. No plans to get one. I signed on as 'Support Staff' and as of right now, am the only support they have. Of course, this was the first meeting, and since I didn't even know about it until late last night, I am sure many others didn't know either. Next month's meeting will bring more in I am sure. But this does mean I get a patch, so now have an excuse to get a leather vest to put it on, and look like a biker dude at the meetings and events we will eventually schedule and host. Heck, I already got some tats and the biker beard.

Nothing major planned for this week. Monday will get the usual email to the Company. I think this week I will play around with Google calendar, and see if I can start putting int he dates of things going on that I seem to not remember until they right upon the time of occurrence. Then I can sync with my phone as well. Never really sued it before, so will have to "learn" it.

Welp, Need to go take care of some other things now....


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