Saturday, October 12

Getting Stuff Done

 Another Saturday has come upon us, and mine is getting filled up fairly quickly. I'm up at the 'butt-crack of dawn' it feels like, though it truly was only 7am. I haven't been up this early on a Saturday in quite awhile. But, duty calls. My Vikings game I play started their battle at 7am my time, so I have gotten on to do a morning assist.

Did my first pill of the day. Waiting a few more minutes to swallow the other handful. Then wait about an hour to take the BP and glucose readings.

At 8am, Great Clips opens, and I will jump online and see about setting a time this morning to head up there to get the monthly haircut. I don't know if I had mentioned before, I went to them about 3-4 weeks ago, and they gave the best haircut out of the the last 5 barbers I had gone to. These barbers were charging $30 for a haircut - alleged specialty barbers I guess, as they did 'fades', etc. I don't need that fancy crap. Buzz the sides and back, leave enough on top to gel back, hit the neck, ears and eyebrows. Where are the old-fashioned barbers that they did all this without being told specifically. Great Clips charges $18, and if I come back with my receipt within 4 weeks, I get an additional $2 off.

Then it will be off to the Walgreens to see how many refills I have to pick-up. I never got my regular text message this month from Walgreens, letting me know my refills were ready. So I did the whole 'MyChart' thing for the doctor, and requested a refill on all prescriptions. I got a couple texts yesterday from Walgreens saying I had some ready, so not sure if I will get all 7 refills today. Probably not, meaning an additional trip Tuesday up there. Sigh seems like I have to go there every week for some refill, be it mine or the Wife's. And no, I'm not doing the mail-order prescription thing.

Pick up drugs, get haircut. Should probably eat something in there somewhere, as I know I will be hungry. Then will head to the Post as I usually do of an afternoon. This evening I am running the 50/50 raffle for the NYE committee I am on, so definitely will be there 7p-9p for that. I'm just happy I found out about a month ago that they have tea available. It has helped cut down on my alcohol so much!

Welp, guess I need to start getting things checked off my list...


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