Wednesday, June 6

Wednesday Morning Blues

I feel pretty good this morning! I think I got more sleep last night, even waking up every couple hours, than I do in a normal night. I even got the dog to go outside - even though it was 1am when it happened. And yes, Freddie, I was nice and let her back in. Wouldn't want to "accidentally" have her dehydrate and die whilst I was at work the next day... though that is an idea. I was happy enough to find no messes when I got home yesterday.

So I had a good meal with the Reverend Mother last night. It's always good when you don't have to pay, plus being at a restaurant you love. In this case it was Lonestar, and I got my usual steak! That makes three days in a row I have had steak for supper. I sure am spoiling myself this week. We talked and chatted for an hour over dinner then I went home. I thought about going out, but after being out so late the night before, I decided to catch up on some reading, then went to bed about 10'ish. Aside from waking up every couple hours, I slept good. But I still wish the Wife was home. I find it hard to sleep most nights without her there beside me in bed. One of them damn marriage habits I presume.

It is barely 20 minutes into my workday, and I still have nothing to do as of yet. Hopefully something will come in soon so I can actually do something.

Okay, I am off to read some blogs. I am sure I will be back here later today - hopefully with something interesting to talk about. Or pictures. Or jokes. 'Til then, keep yer chin up and think about nasty thoughts. I do.


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