Tuesday, July 31

Declaration of Personal Holiday

That's right. I have finally gotten around to doing it, and today is the day. I am declaring today officially as my Personal Holiday. It's the last of the month, and I don't feel like doing shit today - so I won't. I am going to do the minimal amount of work, spend more time surfing the web and reading blogs. I might just even extend my lunch hour by an extra 30 minutes.

I have already gotten the reminder this morning that we have 8 days to close every loan on our desk. That is when we drop the bank charter we are under now. Anything not closed by then, will have to be re-started under the new company name. Which could mean, several weeks of work now has to be undone, and re-worded/titled and then resubmitted. Too much fucking work by my standards, considering I am the one that will have to do it. At least I have fewer files than the other processor here.

The daughter is off to NAU for band camp this morning. She also registered for school. Hard to believe she is a sophomore now ... Hell, even the Boys are getting big. The middle one starts Kindergarten this fall. His birthday is next week and he turns 5. Already he has been saying he wants a party at the "pizza place where they have the games". I have already broke down and put $100 back for the food, plus whatever else will be spent on tokens. Now I just need to figure out how many to invite that I can afford to feed...

I must be off now to work some miracles for the morning. Already have 3 fires to piss on to put them out ... lovely, just effing lovely. Come back later, I am sure I will have more stuff later on today - after all, it is my Personal Holiday.


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