Sunday, April 21

Where Do We Go From Here?

 A few short weeks ago, you noticed I had to break from here, and from other things in Life for a bit. I was angry. I was not in control of myself, and needed to focus on 'me and mine' to get things back to the proper perspective. I don't think I have been that particular angry in probably over 25 years (another story for another time) and though I don't think it was wrong to be angry, it would have been wrong to act out, or say things, whilst in that mode. I think at this point I am definitely in a better mindset, and mental place. On the plus side, you got the anticipation of my return, and what I would bring with me.

Yesterday (Saturday) was sort of a big event around the d00d household. The Youngest was attending Prom, which included dinner prior to the event. Of course he isn't driving on his own yet, so other arrangements had to be made. The girl he has been dating, well, her mother is a teacher at the HS they attend, and was also chaperoning the event. This had been discussed earlier in the week, so we ended up driving to her place, picking her up, taking them to dinner, and then to the event. Then her mother would drop Youngest at home afterward. Dinner was Texas Roadhouse, and I wish I had thought better about the situation... With multiple HS's that many Proms overlap, and they were BUSY!! We ended up waiting over an hour for a table. Yes, Wife and I ate there, too, as it was easier for transportation/time, but we let them have their own table. Then dropped off at the event just down the street from there. Wife and I went home, as I was just beat. Then I spent most of the night trying to get to sleep, which didn't happen til after 3am.

Today is going to be a relaxing day for me, or so I hope. I got up at 10, just so I wouldn't sleep all day, and hopefully be able to get to sleep easier tonight. I have gotten in my play time on the Vikings game I play, and plan to head up to the VFW for the afternoon. With Nascar on, and Caution/Pit Stop drink specials - it could be fun. Besides, I'll be reading, which you know I like. I did manage to get four reviews done on books that I had been putting off writing up. I still have one more to do, and another book to read before writing it up. Keeps me busier than the (lack of) my regular job.

Welp, I think I have wasted enough time throwing up some drivel for your entertainment.


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