Saturday, September 21

I Lived ....

 ... I ate that loaded baked potato salad the Wife had bought, even though it was past the best sold date. It tasted funny. I attribute that to the sour cream (which I don't like in raw form) but the tummy was not a happy camper through the day. Being Friday, I headed to the Post, and shortly after arriving, I had to the trip to the 'head' (I'm sure it was the potato salad) and leave a package to be sent to the President. Nice personal touch, too, if I say so myself. Over the course of the evening, he got a couple more sent as well.... or, would that be her, because I can't tell the sex of the clowns in office right now....

Anyway, I had a good eve at the Post. It was a small crowd, the Regulars, that sing every chance they can, no matter how good they sound or not. I chose to read, and finished 2-3 books tonight. No songs. No one to impress, no new songs to "try", and didn't care. Tomorrow may be a different story. It is 'steak night' where you can get a nice rib-eye, baked potato, beans, salad and a dessert for $20, and I am waiting for the Wife to see if she wants to go this week or not. What she decides, fixes most of my plans for the day.

The Brother is having a party for the 1 year old grandkid he is now 'raising'. He's one. Being still associated through the State, they get an allowance for things needed to help (diapers, bottles, formula, and all the other special stuff because he is supposed allergic to something). So I have no present. The Brother was at the Post tonight, and I admitted I was not sure if I would make it there tomorrow. It's farther than I like to drive, and his spouse's family might be there, and ....yeah. I'm trying to prevent an altercation, versus starting one. RM is planning to be there, and I guess she said she is bringing tea (another story for another time, that we will just forget about). for me. But I dunno. Drive there, home and back to the Post...lotsa miles. I'm leaving it til the morning and asking the Wife what she wants to do.

Depending on what the Wife says in the morn, I may go hunting for a gun tomorrow. I have been looking at some different ones, and asked opinions from other gun owners. I have an idea of what I want, but need to shop around and find the best deal. Then, whilst I wait the 10-day (if feasible in AZ) look into the concealed carry classes. I already know some of the 'cuts'/vest for the VFW Riders have pockets to help with that as well. I'll spend a day to get a CCW. Yes, I'm a good guy, there will be a gun safe bought for the handgun as well, for when I am home, when little ones are around. I'm not that bad....

So, I think I shared enough for this early hour, and all that caffeine from the tea is still working... but we're done. Until next time.....


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