Monday, August 24

What A Weekend

 If you read the last post, my weekend was not starting off very well, except I had a good buzz Friday night. Maybe a little ticked off at my siblings, too. Just a little....

So breakfast Saturday morning went well, all things considered. PT and I caught up on the basic things going on in our lives. He shared some issues/questions... I brought up about driving and "hanging up" the keys. He said he would think and pray on it. In other words, it ain't happening real soon, but at least he won't be surprised if we force the issue. hopefully before there is an accident... I explained all that to him as well.

Sis called me later that day as she was "going to their house and needed to be sure what she was walking into". I called her a POS chicken and told her the basics. I don't know if PT has talked to RM about it at all. I sort of doubt it.

This coming Saturday I have lunch planned with RM. I haven't decided where we will go yet. I am sure that PT will be a topic of discussion, as well as a few other things (ie. my drinking, use of swearing - c'mon Mom, you laughed!). But I think after this next weekend, I am done with family things for awhile. I have other stresses going on in life that I don't need this kind of crap adding to my pile.

It's Monday. have errands to run today. Joy.


1 comment:

Rev Mom said...

Hey kiddo - we don't have to do lunch this Saturday. And we don't discuss your drinking nor your swearing. I always liked to think of it as you wanting to spend time with me. No agendas, just mom and son. Why don't you take your wife out instead? I'll give you a break.