Friday, September 4

Dust in the Wind

 I sort of feel that way today. The Wife and I talked last night, and we came to the agreement I really have no choice but to pay the extra money to get the birth certificate. Even with the time frames given, it could still be quicker than having to wait for SSA offices to re-open and get in there to do that replacement. This morning I was still feeling weird about having to do that, and did some more research. I found if I mail in an application with fees, there is only a 45 day waiting period. The way I read the statement, that is NOT "on top of" the 25 days regular procedure time. And it's at a lower rate. So I think I will go that route. Still looking at 2 months... but could still be faster.

Tomorrow starts the 3-day Labor Day Weekend. For us it is not much to celebrate, except for my birthday falling on the weekend this year. Saturday night. our family with all kids (plus) will be going to dinner. Not necessarily for my birthday, just so we can all get together. As usual we pick up the tab. I am thinking Country Boys, so it will be a bit cheaper than say Garcia's.... save a few bucks at least.

Sunday evening I will be up at the pub and have let several friends know I will be there. Some I haven't seen in awhile. I did try to do something nice, and invited the Sis, Stuman and RM. RM said they might show for a soda, but I would not be surprised if they did not come, or if they did, did not stay long.

Monday will be just a regular weekend day for us. No get together plans. I had planned to work part of the day... but hey, you heard about that already. I am sure part of Sunday and Monday will be spent visiting the Daughter and family. The Wife and Daughter will take the Doodad and go shopping at some point I am sure. The SIL and my boys will probably all get together Saturday night after dinner and play these board games they like. Not like Sorry or Monopoly... this are more complicated. I tried a couple times, and I just have a hard time with playing them. Gives them all bonding time though.

Welp, I guess that is all I have for now. I may or may not write this weekend, so have a good time if you are not back until Tuesday.


1 comment:

Rev Mom said...

Our plan right now is to go to 'celebrate' you, but you are right, we do not plan to stay very long. It's about you, not how long we stay. xxoo