Monday, February 19

Back To The Torture Chamber

 Monday morning has come again, and I had a busy morning planned out. Last week I had received a notice from the AZDOT that the car we had bought off the Oldest Son, now apparently has an abandoned title issue, and they cannot allow me to re-register the tags. However, last year, this was supposedly taken care of when we changed the title from his name to mine. It all stems from when the car was stolen, recovered, and the police never notified him. His insurance found it at a tow yard, and yadda yadda yadda, the car was fixed/repaired, and should have been done. So after the morning doctor visit I had scheduled I was going to go to the DMV. But it is Presidents Day, and they are closed.

So I went to the doctor visit. It has only been two weeks since the last visit, but she had me do more labs (regarding heart markers allegedly). Well, the BP was still higher than what this new NP thinks it should be, so she added another pill to take. Then she started talking about all these liver tests she wants me to do - NOPE! Not doing it. I know my liver enzymes are high, I know I have a 'fatty liver'. Not doing an ultrasound. Not doing the chest x-ray or the cardiology visit, or even more follow-ups with gastro docs. But we did get the test strips and lancets situation corrected.

So that has been how this morning has gone. No appointments today now, though tomorrow will be off to the DMV. Such exciting times....


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