Tuesday, February 20

It's Just Money, Right?

 Just when you think things might be going okay, something always comes along. For me yesterday, it was my CPAP machine.

I had walked out of our office room, on my way to the restroom, when I smelled something off. That 'tang' of something almost burnt, but not like food burnt. I finished in the restroom, and began to walk the hall, sniffing the air, trying to determine where it was strongest. Turns out it was coming from the master bedroom (my room). I'm looking around, sniffing from different sides of the room, trying to track down just where was it coming from. I had decided at this point it was an electric-burning type of smell, and so I'm sniffing anything that is plugged in. I finally determined it was the power cord to my CPAP machine. It is one of those that has the wall plug cord that goes to a convertor, then another cord that goes to the machine. Well, the machine was displaying a message to check the 30/90 Watt cord and plug in to start. I unplugged it all, then waited a couple hours. The smell had started to dissipate, so I plugged it back in. The unit started up for like five seconds, then died, displaying the message again.

This was a replacement cord I had bought a few years back. Note, my machine is probably close to 10+ years old, and I know I have been told that they should be replaced about every 3 years... But I never followed up on it, as mine worked fine. Anyways, the convertor had burned out before, hence the replacement. So talking with the Wife last night, we decided I should just get a new machine after all these years. Of course the first place I go is Amazon....

Right off the top of the bat it shows two newer, more compact, user-friendly models running about $800. One has no reviews, and the other had a few, but most were mid-level. Then I tried just Google, to find other places to possibly purchase from. Well, turns out, you need a prescription for most types of CPAP machines. After my trip to the NP yesterday, there is no way I am asking her for one. I am sure she would make me do the whole damn sleep study all over again, and I am not dealing with that whole shenanigan if I can avoid it. Once was enough. I went back to Amazon and bought the $800 machine. It should be here Wednesday.

Hopefully, that one will work well enough for me to get by for another 10 years, so long as I am alive. After all, the NP said that according to their stats, I'm 34.5% chance of a heart attack in the next ten years. 

Go figure.


1 comment:

Rev Mom said...

Your medical insurance would have covered it had you gotten a prescription. You might try sending the bill (or a copy) in to the insurance company and see if they will reimburse. For $800, I would have gone to the NP and asked for one!