Monday, August 21

Sigh .... Same Thing Again

 This weekend wore me out. Saturday, I arose from bed about 6:30 and went out front. I pulled weeds growing amongst the grass for a bit, then got out the mower and began trim the jungle. Of course, with my wonderful walking abilities, it was do a couple rows or three, then rest for a few; repeat. But it got done. Wife came out and helped a bit too. I skipped the weed-eating, figuring the Youngest could do it, but that never happened over the weekend. Took the Wife out to breakfast at one of our faves, Ronnies Cafe, went to Goodwill (I wanted to see if they had some more shorts my size - they didn't). Finished up with a run of my car through the car wash. Went to the VFW later on, and won a $0.25 drink, but not a chance for the $8K they got in the pot.

Sunday morning I actually went to church with the Wife. She isn't able to make it every week, and I go maybe twice a year, if that. But the night before I had said if she went I would go with her. So I did. I only saw maybe 5 people that I knew at one time. They were doing a free lunch of hot dogs and burgers, but I passed and we ended up at Valle Luna, a popular Mexican restaurant. It had been many years since I ate here. I had the fajitas, and they weren't bad. I was full, and I think mostly from the 4-5 teas I drank - what can I say, I was thirsty.

Monday is now here, and I am "returning to work". I'm on at 6am, and I see conversations about some work, but nothing in the specific channel for the team I was working with. I sent a chat inquiry asking for details, and was given the current information for work we a re completing now. It is scut work. There looks to be only enough for today. Surprisingly, last week, what little they had on Tuesday, before I left for the rest of the week, only lasted a day as well, and they had not been working since either. This is the crap that makes me unhappy....

So I will "take my time" since they say I work too fast. I will be jumping back to my desktop and reading websites, playing games, etc. Only about 7 hour s more to go...sigh.


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