Thursday, August 31

Still Not Better

 I made it until 4:30am before I woke this morning. Not bad considering I took a night-time cold medicine, two sleeping pills, and some acetaminophen, then retired about 10pm. I knew there was no going back to sleep, so did a quick run to Qwik Trip for some sodas and a couple brats for breakfast. Overall I am feeling much better than yesterday. Still have a lingering cough/sore throat, plus some congestion in the nose. Last night, once home from work, the Wife mentioned her nose has started to run constantly, and she has started coughing. I may have given it to her. She sent off a text to her boss last night, giving him a heads-up she may be sick this morning. I have not bothered her as of yet (too early) to see how she is feeling.

I don't remember offhand if I mentioned that yesterday when I notified the Company I would not be working due to being sick, they had responded that the Team was in a holding pattern until further notice. At least I'm not losing money by being sick. 

Yesterday was spent with much sleeping, and little else. I did get a few times to get on the computer, but could never sit there for long before I felt tired and had to lay down again. Today, I am sure I will be here for longer periods, just to keep from going insane - especially if the Wife is home sick.

I checked my daily blood sugar level - it was the lowest I have seen in awhile. Must be from being sick. And because I know you readers that come here daily, everything ended coming out fine from the backside. Seven trips throughout the day, but it finally released. I sweat at times I could feel the release of pressure and the bowel going down in size....

Guess I should mosey on out of here, and get other things done.


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