Monday, October 23

Stressing Out

 Overall this past weekend was nice. We did a day-trip down to visit Daughter, SIL and Doodad. Papaw even got quite a few hugs, as Doodad seemed to be coming out of her anti-Papaw stage. Back home late that evening, then off to the school to pick up Youngest from the band day trip. It was late getting to bed - after midnight. I didn't sleep well that night, and was up by 630ish for a couple hours before laying back down. Then I passed out until early afternoon. Youngest spent Sunday with his girlfriend and her family, so Wife and I did a little shopping and had an early dinner out at Denny's. Again, I did not sleep well last night, and have wasted most of this morning trying to get some sleep. All it seems I can do is nap for 15 minutes at a time.

I think most of it is that I am stressing out. Today I have a phone call with an attorney regarding the accident I was in over a year and a half ago. The one where I had a green arrow and this guy ran the light, hit me, flipped my vehicle over three lanes. Yeah. That one. Today's call is a pre-deposition call. Tomorrow morning is the actual deposition. I will go to the attorney's office (mine) to do it. I was sent a reminder email today, and I noticed it had many replies in the thread so was skimming it. Seems the other guy's attorney (the third one he has hired since the accident) has filed paperwork for a demand for jury trial. I don't know what this all means, but it worries me more. I don't understand why I am worried though, as I am not at fault through the events I remember. Unless the other guy lies... which who knows. I also see they have a police officer that is doing a deposition as well. I didn't have much interaction with any officer, except to give my license to one when requested, and informed them the registration and insurance was in the glove box.

I'm stressing and it is messing with my sleep, and who knows what else. My attorney friend says I have nothing to worry about ... but yet here I am worrying still.


Update: Just got off the phone with my attorney for the pre-depo call. We didn't have to go over much. I explained how I was feeling a bit of anxiety/nervousness over this whole thing and she explained a few things that actually make me feel a bit better. Still have a few 'butterflies' going around though.... I asked about if she thought it would actually go to trial, and she said, that 96% of these cases end in settlement. She mentioned she is doing a depo on the other guy tomorrow afternoon as well, and this is just fact-finding for both attorneys to see if there is anything more than what we have already explained. Sigh. Just end this whole thing.....

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