Saturday, November 20

Another Messed Up Week

 So nothing exciting happened this week. No emails for getting assigned to a project with the Company. No other offers from other places I have emailed my resume. The Wife is starting a new job this Monday, at a different facility from the one she left, yet owned by the same umbrella corporation. Plus she is getting more money. Distance is about the same as before, but instead of fighting the traffic morning and evening, it will be a bit of an easier travel.

My first Santa gig got cancelled. It was supposed to have been this morning, traveling with the Posts' MCA group. Last week it was around 7-8 families where we would drop off gifts for the kids, a turkey, plus other fixings for Turkey Day or Christmas. Also two Fire Stations, where we would drop off a large number of small plush animals (they use at scenes to help comfort kids). But as of Friday night, all the families had backed out (no reason given) and he was down to one fire station and one family (that didn't have kids). So it will be a couple weeks until the next one.

Instead, I was able to attend the State Marching Competition where the Youngest was performing. They ended up 7th of 8, but this is their first year in a new division. They were in a smaller one before. I thought for the first year, being one of the smaller bands in this division, they did well!

Went out to dinner after picking Youngest up from the school, and though it is barely 8pm, feels like 11pm or later. The Wife and I are both yawning and trying to not go to bed early.


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