Thursday, June 2

Sigh .... My Mother ....

 My Mother (commonly refered to here as Reverend Mother, or RM) writes a blog. I think it is listed in the sidelist on the right under 'Reverend Mother's Musings'. She has been going awhile now, and is able to daily (for the most part) share not only a bit of the bible, but stories that relate to the lesson. Sometimes those stories include not only her personal issues/tales, but sometimes some of mine and my siblings. Sometimes she just shares things going on with her....anyways, you should give it a look-see sometime.

Today she shares about 'hiding things' not necesarily from God, but sometimes from people as well. RM references about wanting a cookie, and feeling the urge to hide it from PT (Preacher Tom) because she didn't want him to know about her having a cookie. She made me think of a snack I recently picked up. So the Youngst and I mad made it out to this Discount Grocery we like. The items there are constantly changing, and one never knows what one may find. I had gotten snack stuff for me (granola bars, etc) when we had been out last time, so wasn't really looking for snacks, but came across these bags of Chex mix.

I'm sure everyone knows what Chex mix is: that cereal where they add in pretzels and some other crunchy things and it is a hit at parties, or even by oneself at home. Well, this one is cookies and creme flavored. The description on the package reads "Crispy corn chex pieces in a cookies and cream coating with a delightful powdery smooth finish", and of course has pictures on the front looking like Chex pieces coated in sugar, sitting infront of a broken in half Oreo-type cookie. For $0.75, I thought, eh, I'll try it. Worse case is I don't like it, and maybe the Wife or Kid will. I opened the package yesterday. It. Is. So. Good. I ate about a handful, maybe a bit more, yesterday, then hid it in my desk drawer so the Wife wouldn't see it. Why? Because I don't want to share. It may not be exactly what lesson RM was trying to impart today, but it caught my attention.

So, as I snack on a little bit more of this Chex mix already this morning, I need to find out where to get more. As it has been nearly a week since our last jaunt to the Discount Grocery, I am sure they are gone from there now. I might have to order from Amazon, or direct from the manufacturer. Wait! What if these were a limited time thing? Oh geeze....

That's the worse of my problems this morning. Figure at some point today I am clipping down the hair on top again, and touching up the beard. Starting to look a little shaggy.


1 comment:

Rev Mom said...

You had me laughing as I read this! It happens more often than not, trust me! My sister was 'hiding' in her bedroom eating chocolate last night!