Sunday, June 5

Sunday - Let's Make It a Fun Day!

 Thursday evening, the Wife came home (as usual - I don't know why she does this) and brought in the mail. One of the items was a UPS ticket, that they had been there, but did not leave the package, as it needed to be signed off that it was received. What? I never heard any knocking - which is not unusual since the 'office' is in the back of the house. But, the dog didn't go nutzo barking her head off? I would have heard that! But nope. Anyways, the Oldest Son had already texted and said we should expect his packages to arrive that day, so I knew about them. I also had been out, so the Youngest Son is probably the one that didn't hear any noise. Either way, since the OS and I share similar names, I signed the back of the UPS ticket, and thought leaving it outside they would leave the package the next day - from the way I read the ticket. I also had looked up the tracking number to be sure it was being delivered, etc.

Well, I admit in my less than perfect sobriety, I must have mis-read something. I got up early to get trash/recycle out to the street on Friday, then back to bed for a bit. When I woke, I realized I could not find the ticket anywhere. I knew I signed it, and thought I had set it on my desk to put out the next morning. Can't find it - looked everywhere, even outside. Now I'm worried. The OS had purchased an expensive game console (PS5) and if I could not prove it was to be delivered...would I mess things up? I went back to my computer and thank goodness for Google saving my search history, as it contained the tracking number. I wrote it down and looked it up again, to discover that the packages (2) needed to be picked up from a UPS Store near us, and not being re-delivered. So Friday afternoon I went up there, with the printout showing the tracking number and package numbers, got them, and brought them home.

I know, long tale so far, but OS came by Saturday morning (early, but I was awake anyways) and picked up the packages. He also asked us out to breakfast Sunday morning at one of our favorite places. Well, that came about this morning, and we had a great breakfast, even if the Middle Son didn't make it. OS had offered to pay, but we changed it into his 'birthday meal' which we had not had last month, and back at our place was able to give him the few gifts we had gotten for him.

Wife and MS have gone to church this morning. I told the Wife to not expect me. I think I shall be heading down to the VFW for a bit. I was supposed to call one of the ladies from there yesterday, but forgot. She is wanting som help with her iPad, though I am not sure how much help I can be as I don't own one, and over the phone? But I'll call her from there, in case she wants to come up and have me look at it.

Otherwise no plans today. Might even be an early afternoon, tehn home for some computer gaming before bed.


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