Friday, October 21

Been a Busy Week

 This week has abeen a bit busier for some of us here in the d00d household. It is Homecoming week, and the Youngest has had something going on almost everynight. Tuesday was practice, Wednesday was the spirit bonfire, Thursday was the actual Homecoming Game, and tonight he has yet another proactice. Saturday they will be going to Flagstaff for the NAU Band Day. Which the Wife and I are going to attend. She wants to 'get out of town', and watch her son perform. I am not a fan of her driving that far, and then the return drive late at night. So that means I am going as well..

Homecoming this week also for my alma mater. Tonight is their homecoming game, and over the past couple weeks I have seen many post on social media about alumni going to the game. I signed up as a maybe - only because I am not sure I want to go. Also there is a lunch today for previous band members that I was invited to go to, which I also said 'I would try' but am not sure about attending. I like the "feeling" of participating in the spirit of homecoming, but I just don't know if I want to deal with the crowd (like I'll have to on Saturday) and do I really want to see how old people I knew in HS have gotten? Granted, some of us have kept in contact since HS, but very few. It's 9am, so I guess I have a little time to make a decision.

Daughter's family is trying to make it up to visit this weekend. I already let her knwo we are out of town Saturday, but would be open for plans on Sunday - depending on what they have planned. Hoping to be able to have dinner Sunday evening before they head back.


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