Thursday, October 13

Will They or Won't They?

 Thursday Night Football is happening tonight, and I have plans to meet my regular Sunday morning football buddies tonight for the game. Washington vs Chicago I think (without looking it up) and both teams are like 1-4 so far this season. Will my Washington Redskins (hate thinking them as the Commanders) win or not? Hard to say.

So Monday, I did a little online shopping for a new gas dryer. I checked a couple used appliance places, and the larger stores that have appliances. Lowe's came out aheaad with pricing, and though it was new, was reasonable. After the Wife got home, I went over what I found and she agreed, so Tuesday, the Youngest and I went to get one ordered. Turns out they did not have any in stock at the store, or the local distribution warehouse (even though on the website, it said they had them in stock. I had to pick another dryer, and of course, the next lowest in price was about $110 more than the one I wanted. Either way, a good half hour was spent of them getting it ordered for delivery for Friday, no install, no removal/pick-up of the old one (they charge for all that, but delivery is free).

The Middle Son came by Wednesday morning to help get the old dryer out of the utility room, and tells me it isn't a gas dryer, but electric. I go out and look, and sure enough. So another trip was made to Lowe's and refunded the cost for the gas one, purchased an electric one, set up delivery, etc. And I saved $130 because not only was the lower priced one available, it was on sale. So now just waiting on Friday delivery, then Saturday will be putting it in.

I did end up getting some iced tea the other day from the $1 store. I lucked out and they had the Gold Peak brand (my favorite) and I bought a couple quarts. Youngest picked out some soda he likes, then I threw in some salami for lunch sandwiches. I also picked up some pre-made salads to go with my sandwich for lunch.

That brings us back around to today being Thursday. The Oldest Son came by about 7am this morning. He had a package delivered here ne needed to pick up, and we ended up visiting for a couple hours. It was good to catch up like that. Upon leaving I told him I hoped to see him before Thanksgiving, and he replied he would try to get his scheduled cleared soon for a time for him and I to 'hang out'.

Nothing on the work front. I did get an email yesterday for a project, but it is if you are an Attorney. Our company does do some judicial doc review stuff, and that's when they need the atty. I am not one, but have been asked several times if I am from different managers at work. I guess my non-legal doc review/data review is good enough they think I was law school trained. Now that's funny!


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