Saturday, October 29

Do I Got the 'Rona?

 I hadn't realized it had been pretty much a week since I last wrote. Things around here have been busy (to me) this past week.

Last Sunday we did get to have dinner with Daughter and family. I invited RM & PT, so they got some time with them as well. I know it made RM happy, and I was happy to share the time with them instead of 'hogging' them to myself. I was generous, as Washington won their game against Green Bay (that's what I say anyways). Youngest went back to a semi-regular marching band week: Tues night practice, early mornings, Friday night game. Add in the competition (on the other side of town, go figure) today. Thursday night one of my buddies took me to a Grand Canyon Univ hockey game. I know nothing about hockey, or next to nothing, yet had a good time. Afterwards, we went to the pub and it was college night, so the team showed there for some of the Halloween dress-ups. Friday night, whilst the Youngest was at an away game, the Wife and went out for dinner, then relaxed at home. Today she will be driving across town (a good hour) to watch the Youngest perform, but I don't feel up to it.

In fact, I am not feeling totally great at all. Yesterday, I woke feeling nauseous, and just 'out of sorts'. Nothing would come up, or out, and I skipped my meds just because I didn't want possible extra nausea. All day I felt like this, add in hot/cold flashes, cold sweats, and tiredness. I laid down for about an hour, no napping, but felt a little better, so still went to dinner with the Wife. After eating some food, I felt a bit better, but this morning am still not back to regular. I'm guessing a stomach bug, or flu variant. I am pretty sure it is not the 'Rona.

I feel like I have way too much to accomplish in a short time, and some of it I just cannot completely do myself. Our tree out front had died of unknown causes earlier this summer, and we were able to get it knocked down, and out of the ground. It needs branches trimmed down (and trunk) to about 4 foot lengths so they pick it up in bulk trash next month. Which needs to be done first, as the grass needs mowing, and trimmed, as well before some asshole neighbor "reports" it and the city sends out a notice of grass being too high (very personal peeve). I just physically cannot do it all, and the Youngest has been busy with school/band he has not been any help. Middle Son tries to help when he can make it over. Maybe this weekend we can get his help. Sunday may be able to get Youngest to help as well.

No news on the work front. Still waiting to hear of any new projects. I feel I may have to send a reminder that I am available, just to get their attention.

Have three books I was approved for this last week, so will be busy reading in my free time to get the reviews done. One was a book I kind of was hoping would be coming out soon, the other two were just a couple picks that sounded good.


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