Thursday, January 25

Company is a Tease!

 Tuesday afternoon I received an email from the Company, informing of project slated to start on Wednesday. Of course I immediately replied that I was available for said project, and awaited the confirmation and information email they tend to send. Instead, Wednesday morning, another email from the Company arrived, stating the project was cancelled. No idea why. So they stated everyone selected were being put on Available status for the next upcoming project. Sigh, so no news there....

Aside from that circus, I have nothing else of interest going on in my life currently. This afternoon/evening, the Middle Son asked if I wanted to hang out with him. His words were something like 'I need some father/son time' so I am not complaining. I have no idea what his thoughts are: if he wants to grab some food or a soda, or a couple beers (he is legal age now).

Guess I should get over to the other blog and get a review written up for an ARC I finished reading a efw days ago...


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