Monday, January 8

Well, That Didn't Work....

 I believe it was the Saturday prior to New Years, that I contact the Wounded Paws organization via their website, in regards donating my old Dodge Charger (not running) to get it out of the driveway. Thanks to some A-hole reporting to the City that we have an 'inoperable vehicle on the property', I had no choice. Even though it was perfectly parked on the driveway... other nosy people. Anyways, It has been over a week and I have not been contacted in any form from Wounded Paws. I was a bit surprised, as having used this organization before, we had what I considered good, quick service. Well, I don't have much choice due to the City probably sending me another notice, so I went to the old stand-by, Not even five minutes after completing the info on the website, I had two emails telling me the name of the tow company that would be calling within 24 hours. Efficient!

Youngest is finishing up the time off from school for the holidays. They are calling today an In-Service day for teachers, and he returns to regular schedule tomorrow.

Wow, just got a text from the tow company. Pick up scheduled for tomorrow, as long as I send them front/back copies of title. Nice! And confirmation scans were received, and on track for pick up tomorrow morning. One good thing happening this year....

Last Thursday I had fallen (lost my balance I guess) and ended up slicing a nickel-sized piece of the outside big toe on the right foot. I think my foot kicked up as I fell, and caught the underside of the wheel-base of one of the office chairs - not sure though. I have had it bandaged the past couple days, and it is quite sore. Today is the first day I am going without a bandage, though the new skin patch is sensitive. I'll be limping funnier than usual for a few days I am sure.

The Wife and I had a nice lunch out yesterday. It wasn't for anything special. Youngest and his girlfriend went out to a movie, so we went to Chili's (nothing fancy). I did my usual fajitas, and I was craving the chips and salsa (no idea why). Afterwards, we were going to go to Dollar Tree to see if they had tortilla chips, for my salsa at home, but the BM boss said no, and I had to rush home to use the facilities. TMI, right?

Nothing more to add now....


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