Monday, January 15

Pre-Sleep Rambling Thoughts ...

 ... about today's post kept me awake part of the night. Well, maybe it wasn't *just* post thoughts, as my mind was running hamster wheel circuits at 100 mph it seemed like, and my neck muscles kept tensing up every time I thought about anything. So yeah, it was the early hours of the morning before I was able to get some sleep. One of those nights where a shot of Jack Daniels would have helped 'knock me out' would have been very welcome.

This week brings on the biggest medical 'procedure' I have had to have completed, in a very long time. The wonderful colonoscopy is scheduled for Friday (second time around). First time I came down with something ... but the day before, I was still running a fever so called in to re-schedule. And here we are. So today starts the format they outlined for me, to cleanse the colon of anything, and probably everything, prior to the procedure. I'm calling it, Cleaning da Colon (CdaC) and we have a countdown!

Four (4) days prior to your procedure, stop taking these medications. The list isn't long: aspirin, blood thinners (specific 'scrips listed), iron meds/supplements including vitamins. So today is this step one, and it really doesn't affect me much. Sounds like I can't take Ibuprofen/Acetaminophen for any daily aches/pains, and I guess quit taking the Centrum Silver (for men over 50) as I am sure there is some kind of iron in the vitamin. I like those though, as they are in a "gummy bear-type" format. So all my regular prescriptions I am taking today. The best part, is the food restrictions do not start today...

Yesterday, I decided that the Wife and I were going out to lunch. The Youngest had gone to a "sleep-over" at a friend's on Saturday, and wouldn't be home until Sunday afternoon. So I said I would go to church with the Wife (OMG! Did you see that lightning blast that came out of the sky and almost hit me that morning?!?!) then we were going over to Chino Banditos for lunch. This place has, I don't know how to describe it, but like a mix of Mexican and Chinese foods. I enjoy the Jerk Chicken, Apollo Diablo, jerked rice, and black beans combo - probably the hottest mix you can get. Afterwards we hit the Winco next to it, grabbed some sodas, milk and a couple other things needed. Back home we just relaxed the rest of the day pretty much. The Wife asked if I had any requests for dinner (I didn't) and yet she still ended up making meatloaf, since the red meat is off the diet in the next day or so. But today, I am eating the leftovers for lunch (I got bread...maybe meatloaf sandwiches!).

Alrighty, then. I'm off to see what else is going to happen today...


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