Monday, August 8

4am Rambles

 I was supposed to have a family dinner (Wife, myself, and Youngest, with the bday boy) but it didn't happen. Middle Son texted about 20 minutes prior to our scheduled time to meet up, stating he was not feeling well, and was calling out. I understand. Stuff Happens. I went around the house, found the Wife and informed her of my received text. She said he had said something similar to her. I went back to watching the episodes I was watching.... for 20 minutes.

The Wife comes in, says that since Middle son cancelled, she had no plans about fixing dinner, since we were going to go out. I knew this was going to happen, so I said, well, we can still go out, though somehwere cheaper, or at least cheaper than where we planned the bday dinner. We ended up at Chili's. Not a bad place, but everywhere is suffereing the Covid results, and people not wanting to work, so staffing shortages... and this place has had it going on for awhile. We eat here maybe once every 4 months, give or take. This was the worst time. I waited longer to get 2 to-go boxes, and the tab, than the 20-30 minute wait to get seated. Yeah.... but the food was still good, except, it tasted like it had been sitting under the heat lamp for 20 minutes... all three of our meals - and mine was a salad. Limp lettuce....yuck!

Since none of my kids read this blog, yet I know RM does, I decided tonight, for Christmas, I want to try to put together a family genealogy for each of mine. I reached out to an uncle on my Dad's side. I will be reaching to one on RM's side (and I know he has been doiung this so he will have info). And tomorrow I will ask the Wife if someone in her family has also done this, or at least through her aunts'uncles and we fiull in the rest. I foresee much work to input info in my future. I am not good at Excel, and I have no idea if some genealogy site has a workable 'spreadsheet' to add info, etc. Guess I am going to lear a bit.

I think I will be leaning quite a bit on my Uncle M on RM's side. He has been doing this genealogy thing for awhile, and has amassed quite a bit of info about past relatives on that side of the family. Though it is great to have as much info as possible, I am happy with the more simplistic part, going thru parents, grandparents, etc, not necessarily the extended of siblings, etc in each branch. Will see how it goes. It might be a bigger bite than I bargained for.

And yes, I am up at this bright hour, only because I could not sleep at all this night. Not looking forward to having to work an 8-hour day, but I can start early, and maybe take a 2 hour nap break midday...? Will see what happens.


1 comment:

Rev Mom said...

I think I emailed you some time ago the genealogy of my side down to my mother. It goes back to the 1400's, I think. If you don't have it, let me know and I'll send to you. It's an interesting read for the most part.