Sunday, August 7

Am I Really *That* Bad?

 Around about a week ago, while going through social media (meaning Facebook) I came across a posting made by a friend that graduated high school a year after I. She had been part of the 'clique' I ran around with, and according to FB had a great family and career after HS. Shad had gotten married, had two boys, yadda, yadda, yadda. She was, according to appearances, a great mom, taking pictures of first day of school, events the boys were in, pics of vacations. a'Cleaver'family if I ever would describe them. So back to this post .... it was a "family update sharing" and basically announcing that the oldest (son) is trans and non-binary. She included three info boxes of info like what pronoun(s) to use when addressing this person. They/their, her/she - what the .... She also recently posted the annual 'First Day of School' pics, and the older sibling (I still say boy) now has shoulder-length hair, held out of his face with a cloth hair band like the Wife uses. But still looks male to me. I also note, I went back through her pictures (no I was not stalking) and noticed she had removed any picture that would have had this child shown as a male, and maybe had his name in it, since the "gender reveal" they also gave they/their/she/her a female-sounding name. Freakin' weird, am I right?

I just don't get it. In high school, there were a very few number of people that I thought were homosexual (guys and girls) and after HS found out that the were (one is still good friends with me). That doesn't bother me much. What bothers me is this trans-gender, multi-pronoun, don't know which bathroom to use, or change sex so I can dominate at a sport of the weaker sex. Sigh, even cross dressers I don't get. I am not even getting started on the guy in charge of the Nation's mental health care... I'm starting to feel sick to my stomach.

Where is all this crap coming from? I could understand if it was only teens - lashing out to the parents or school, or society for what they feel is being wronged to them, or something... maybe understand that. I just am not accepting of it.

Though I have apologetic feelings that my friend has to deal with this, in her seemingly perfect family, I have respect for her. Respect that they are dealing as best they can, and hopefully are not letting it destroy they're family dynamic. I am sure it takes a lot to be this accepting of somthing (especially since I don't think it is real - just wanting attention).

Ok, rant over, and I feel very little better. I am sure most that read here will probably agree with how I feel above. There may be a few of you that strongly disagree. Don't come back.

On the good side, I became a great uncle late last week. The Brother's Middle Child and his girlfriend had their baby, a boy. For Reverend Mother, I think it is her first great grandson (having at least 2 great granddaughters already). The Brother's Youngest is due within the next month I believe. In fact, I guess she was having some kind of severe pain last night and they took her in to the hospital. Later I receiuved a text "Not yet" assuming he meant she wasn't having the baby. I don't know why he is texting me, as he knows I am upset with him right now.

It is good to say that it is back to work tomorrow. Friday, the work flow looked as if it might stretch through all this week, but I am not 100% sure. So I think I will rest up today, and just chill at home.

Oh, and today is the birthday of the Second Son (Middle Son, Third Oldest, Second Youngest) and he turns 20 today. We will be going out to Texas Roadhouse for dinner tonight with him.


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