Thursday, August 25

Debating The Trip

 A few days ago, a good friend of sent me a text picture. It was a simple picture of a paper bag, from a local eatery, that I really like: White Castle. Seems he, or his girlfriend had made the trek 'across town' to the only one in the Phoenix area I know of, and brought it home for him. I also add, he was not a true friend, and offer some to me. Instead he selfishly ate it all (as I would have done as well). This morning's internal debate, is if I shall travel over yonder, and maybe pick up a couple cases (should last a couple days) for dinner tonight. I shall ponder it throughout the workday.

Speaking of it being a work day, allegedly, the Project was to end yesterday. However, on Tuesday, they moved me up to being a QC'er, to check on the work everyone was doing. Which is nice - a little more money per hour, plus, this level lasts on the Project longer. So I may be one this one for a possible additional week or more - at the higher pay level. It's nice they finally got me back in to doing the QC work.Though it is barelyam this morning, I may be logging in at 5am, just to get  the work day done, though, I feel I won't. I'll end up doing my social media, emails and whatnot and wait until 6 to start.

Flatulence. The Wife complains about mine frequently. I don't know if it happens to be necessarily because of the aromatic content, or the frequency, or the decibels of sound. I know that if I do make it to the East side, and pick up those wonderful, little sliders, she will be complaining. Our last trip to Indiana had me having some for breakfast (yummy!) and we were traveling north about 3 hours. She was not a happy camper. But then again, she doesn't work at home lik eI do, and would not be here to "enjoy" the next days results. Decisions, decisions.


1 comment:

Rev Mom said...

The drive isn't really THAT far... and I think there is 20 in a case. And, since it has been there for awhile, you don't have as long to wait. And, you CAN put some in the freezer, in plastic bags, if you (cough cough) can't eat them all. LOL They are so good when fresh... just saying. Go get them!