Tuesday, August 2

A Little Good News ....


I wasn't really implying that today's post title was strictly about a video.... As I was typing it, I thought, wasn't that a song as well? So I had to look it up, and sure enough. Then I had to watch/listen to it. As soon as it got into the second line, I realized the song, and that I had heard it quite a bit growing up. Anne Murray had a few other songs I liked as well ...that story maybe for another day.

Some good news: Got an amail from the Company and have a project starting today. The original email said it was slated to last three weeks, but a later email says two. Either way it is work. I'm just waiting on the meeting we are to have this morning.

Yesterday also brought some mail from 'The City'. It was a basic threat letter that our lawn has been reported/cited for being over 6 inches in heigth. It has a couple spots that are near that high, but really? We do not have an HOA in our neighborhood, because, well, I think they are nothing but a bunch of do-gooders that do nothing but go around reporting their neighbors. I undestand the purpose to keep the area looking nice, so property values stay higher, but still.... I know we still have some people around the neighborhood that go out of their way to report people. Sad part is, we get this notice, when there are multiple other properties that look way worse than ours...even from within sight distance of my front yard. Either way, I meant to get up extra early this morning to mow, but even at 7:30am it was too hot. So I decided to put it off to this evening after I run Youngest to his band practice around 6pm. Hopefully by then it will be under 100.

So, today has a little good and little bad news. 


1 comment:

Rev Mom said...

didn't remember that song, but love Anne Murray's 'Could I have this dance'. As for your lawn - Noe cut our front yard for $25 or $35 every two weeks - if you want his number, maybe we can find it - have him come out every two weeks and mow it and trim up the front yard for you. It isn't much bigger than our front yard was. Just a suggestion. Save you working in the heat.