Thursday, July 28

School Year Start-Up

 It is that time of year again, and school will resume Monday, August 8th, for the Youngest. Yes he is currently finishing up the second week of Band Camp, but we are talking regular school now. Today is the Junior class registration. I had been putting off filling out the updated health information sheet, so needed to get that done this morning. Last night the Wife reminded to put down that he is allergic to bee/wasp-type stings. He is? I mean, I know the Oldest Son had bad allergic reactions when he got stung, but the other two boys, I don't recall them having issues. Heck, I can't count the times I have been stung over my lifetime. Either way, that will go on the info sheet, as wellas his occasional migraines. When it came to an emergency person, incase parents/guardians could not be reached, I came up blank. He does have his two older brothers that leave fairly close in town, but both work nights shifts, so would be hard to waken if called during the day. I finally texted RM and asked if we could use her. Of course she replied 'Absolutely'. With me working from home, I am sure she will never be called, but better safe than sorry.

With our last name being one of the most generic in the United Sates, we are not to arrive to do the walk-through registration until 11am. Which means 3/4 of the Junior class would be ahead of us, and the line will be out the door. Granted it is overcast, and not to be over 100 today (but muggy as heck) I have no desire to stand/wait in a line. Looking through the basic list of sections they need to do (School ID photo, bus route info, etc) I don't think there will be any costs for him, as he already said he wasn't buying a yearbook. I may just give him $100 and say you go. I'll sit out in the car and read/play games on my tablet. Will see if he feels comfortable enough to do it all himself, I am sure he is.

Nothing new on the work front. My BP has been pretty good the last several weeks. My Glucose counts have been rather high the past few days. I know, I have been snacking on candy (Snickers brownie bars) and it is showing up. I only have a few left, so by the weekend, I am sure they will be gone. 

Last night was a weird one for me. I was in bed by about 9:45, and fell asleep pretty fast. Then I was awake at 3am, and just could not get back to sleep. I got up and putzed around on the computer for a bit, then laid down again about 5. By 6:30 I was back up again, knowing sleep would not be returning this morning. 

Welp, Got nothing else to say.


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