Saturday, July 9

Due Diligence

 Earlier this week I received Arizona's Primary Election Guide. You know, that paper pamphlet they send out that gives a short description on who is running for what platform, etc. Then a couple days later, I received the mail-in ballot. I have just under a month to determine who I feel is best for these positions, and it is a lot of information to cover. I hate politics with a passion, but I always try to vote the best informed way I am able. Why? Because 1) it is a priviledge to be able to vote and 2) I believe that if you don't vote, you shouldn't be able to bitch and moan about those that get elected.

Enough about politics.

The Wife and I recently started watching 'The Blacklist' on Netflix. I had started watching this show when it first came out on television several years ago, but lost interest because I would miss episodes. I maybe made it rhough most of season one. Either way, I decided to pick it up and do periodic beinges of episodes. Not happening. I made the mistake of starting it while the Wife was home, sitting near me on her computer. After the first episode she started asking questions about what happened, and I knew that this was going to be another one I cannot watch without her. Normally not a problem. Unfortunately, though lately the Wife's work hours have gotten a bit later (a story for another time) and it is fairly later into the evening before we can sit down to watch an episode (and that is not counting th eother shows I have to watch with her).

That being said, it was near midnight beofre I got to bed last night - just so we could watch an episode or two. Then awake at 5:24am ... makes me a somewhat unhappy camper. I did have the alarm set for 8:30, but I knew there is no falling back asleep. Oh well, best to get up and get some of the regular, mundane things out of the way. This morning's BP and Glucose were good readings. Lately, the Glucose has been a little high, and I cannot figure out why. Guess I may have some reading to do at some near point.


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