Wednesday, November 15

Let's Go Get Some Drugs

 I have a doctor's appointment this morning. It is just a 3-month follow-up, but it is also with a new doctor. This is my third doc in the last year or so I have been going to this facility. Not by my choice, they just leave randomly, and I get assigned a new one. Hopefully, this one will do what I ask by letting me go a year without a follow-up. My numbers have been consistent and within range (for the most part) with both glucose and BP. Also I will be seeing if she will assign me for a blue handicap placard. I have the application filled out my part. The last doc said she only would temporary ones, which expire every six months, which means I could not go the year without a check-up. Find out in about an hour.

Marching season is pretty much over for the Youngest, though this week is yet another football game they have to attend. Seems the football team is in playoffs, and as long as they win, the band will have to attend. So maybe they will lose this week. He had Honor Band practice this past Monday. Next Friday, after Turkey Day, he has a full day of practice and then the Honor band concert the next afternoon.

Nothing from the Company yet for any project work. This is really starting to annoy me. I have reached out to a couple different companies here in the Valley that do similar work, but have not heard back from them as of yet either. Maybe it is slow for all.

Welp, I need to get off here and do a couple things before heading to the doctor.


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