Saturday, November 18

Parties and Rain

 It is overcast this morning. Looks like it rained (or is raining). For AZ that is good - we can always use it if it comes in small spurts, rather than pouring downfalls (flooding and the desert ya know). My neice's daughter is having a birthday party today, that was supposed to be outside, but am guessing will be inside now. RM had mentioned it is a Tea Party, and was going to be crowde3dc if everyone is inside. Oh Well. The Wife had stated awhile back she was going, though it is at my Sister's house (whom we have not gotten on with well). Last night I found out my Daughter and Doodad were going to be there - so now I have to go so I can see them.

I guess that that means it is hair day. I have been letting mine grow out the past month or two, and it is at that stage where you cannot do anything with it (too short) and yet it still sticks out any-which-way. I'll buzz it back down to the scalp this morning before the party, and probably trim up around the beard.

Santa Run is coming up soon. My buddy and I (creators/sponsors) are set to rent the 25-man bus this weekend, and start contacting the 23 people that said they are going. I'm sure we will have five or so back out last minute, but usually pick up at least three more extras. Still a fun time, and I enjoy it quite a bit as my Oldest Son goes. Gives us time to hang out and catch up, plus have a drink or seven together.

Tonight I might be going to the VFW - haven't decided. But the drawing for a chance at around $9600+ is tempting. Think I might even try to get the Wife to go.

Welp, it is Clash Day (in a viking themed game I play) so I'm off to war.


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