Thursday, November 9

Not Quite As Done ....

 The Youngest had to be wakened early this morning. Like, before 6am. There was yet called another early morning rehearsal for the marching band, even though the season is over. The school football team is doing well, therefore, there are play-off games that the band will need to perform at. The first is tonight and is a home game for them - so the band will march. If the team loses, maybe that will be the end of it - I don't know.

I woke somewhat early today, around 5am. I did try to get back to sleep but by 6:15 I knew it was not happening. So here I am, at the computer, hoping for an email from the Company (no, not as of yet). I suppose I could go finish the last little bit of an eARC I am reading, so I van get that review out of the way. After that one, I have no books that require a review. Might go see if there are any out for offer. That would give me something to do for an hour at least.

Think I might be coming down with a cold. This morning I noticed I am a bit stuffier than usual, and my head hurts a bit. Depending how I feel in a couple hours, I may take something just in case.

And that is how today is going to be boring.

Edit: I did some blog clean-up (moving even more retired/ended blogs on the list). It is a bit sad to see so many that I read daily for years, come to an end. Several I know were from the authors passing away, and others, just no time to invest in it. In some ways, I guess the 'Blog' is going like the CD.


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