Friday, May 10

Breathe In, Breathe Out

 Sometimes I wonder how I get by day to day in this shit hole of a place we call a world. Even as I typed that last line, more crap that is making me question my sanity, is happening, in the form of email.

I have spent most of this last week stressing. The Company contacted me last week about a "potential project" to start this week, and every day this week, it is the same 'we are awaiting confirmation, prior to setting an actual start date/time'. In other words, the haven't got the client to hire them yet. So every day I await the call to get to work...and then get upset and disappointed when it doesn't happen. I miss working. How many people do you know say anything like that?

Tickets are available as of today for the graduation. I sent the Youngest in with the money for three additional tickets, which should round out the number we need for family/friends. Graduation is in 10 days.

Nine months late, but I finally was able to have some time with the Middle Son last night. His partner and I went out for a couple drinks (he turned 21 in August, and never let Dad take him out for the first one in a bar). His partner is nice, and we had a good time for a couple hours.

I picked up the new 'script yesterday. Reading the instructions, I realized I have to take it, with no more than 4 oz of water, then wait 30 minutes before taking any additional medications or food. Really? Sigh. But the NP says this one is better for me than the Metformin. A noted side effect is weight-loss, so could be a win-win. I just need to watch for any weird effects from this new one. Best part? I was worried about cost, but when I picked it up yesterday, it also rang up $0.00.

I know it is only mid-morning, but I am going to go lay back down. The Wife and I have a play we are going to tomorrow. Something we have never done before. Seems we are doing a bit more of that lately.


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