Thursday, May 16


 What a day today has been, and it is barely half way over. It started with the Middle Son calling about 7:30am. My first thought, as a parent knows, is 'something bad happened or went wrong'. So of course I answered it, ready to jump out of bed and do whatever I could to help whatever problem. No worries. Not really a problem. Seems his battery had died at work, and he had purchased a new one, put it in, but the battery indicator light on the dash had not gone off, and it had been a day. He was asking if that is normal, or should he be worried. I mentioned it was more than likely an issue in the battery/wiring/charging system, and best bet would be the alternator is/has failed. Suggested he get to a garage service to have them check it before ending up "dead" somewhere, when he has to be somewhere.

We finished the short chat, and he agreed he would see about getting it in to a place near him today (he is off work tonight, so has the time today). I went ahead and got out of bed since the Wife was getting ready to leave for work anyways. No sooner had I sat down at the computer, getting ready to take my meds, Middle Son calls again. His car is dead - won't start. He had called not five minutes before, and now it is dead. He had driven a roommate to an early doctor's appointment, and was stuck there now. So I threw on yesterday's clothes and grabbed the 'jump kit', then headed out to meet him - way up on the northside - out past the VA cemetery (for those that know the Valley). We got it started, then the decision was made to get it to the garage now. It is several miles back to the one he had picked, which is near his place. We made it maybe 2 miles up the road, then his dash went dead, and power faded. Ended up calling for a tow (1 1/2 hour wait) then headed to the garage. Explained the issues, then we went to my house. Decided it was 11:30, and I was starving, so we went to lunch. Waiting for the call still from the garage, we hit the vitamin shop (I got some milk thistle), then the car wash (it sprinkled and dirtied my windows of my car), then Walgreens (I had 'scripts to pick up).

The call came in, and it is the alternator. Labor and replacement quoted about $650. Sigh. But the work could be done in less than 2 hours. So we okayed it all, then headed back to my house to sit for a bit before the call comes in that it is ready. Poor kid has been so stressed about this happening, and not counting the other stressors he has going on. Of course, I said I would pay for everything (tow, repairs) as I know his finances are tight. We have offered many times over to help with things regarding the car, which he has refused, but it is working out now. In fact, he just said he is going to lay down to rest his body (he hasn't been to bed yet, and just got off work this morning early). I love that I had the chance to really help him out, and teach him how to handle situations like this when they occur. I am happy I had the time free to assist, with no work currently, though I would have called off today to help him. 

I know that as parents we have to step back and let children learn things on their own, especially as the reach adulthood. I agree they need to learn the results of their actions (or lack of), their financial decisions, etc. But sometimes, you do have to help teach them. Maybe in someone else's eyes, I helped too much paying for the repairs, etc, but I don't care. I know that if there is a next time, he'll know how to handle it, even if he does have to ask for a loan from Mom and Dad (read loan as financial gift, in my opinion). 

I think once we get back to his car, he'll be more relieved, and less stressed. And he got to spend some time with Dad, just hanging out and catching up. Regardless of the reason, it was a good day.


1 comment:

Rev Mom said...

proud of you for jumping in to help him! You are your mama's boy! LOL